June 14, 2012

Connecting some dots

Life is perhaps the greatest inspiration for any staged work and maybe it's true that art actually mimics life. Thinking through this, singers and actors alike should feel a great deal of comfort and confidence; there is nothing contained in a score or script beyond one's personal experience. Since appearing naturally and presenting the circumstance of one's character easily and progressively is the goal, then artists might consider actual life as the creative teaching model. The method we progress through emotion is not unlike the manner characters do on stage. We've all been angry, lost jobs, been in love, had our hearts broken, lost a loved one, been full of bliss, etc... Therefore these are the creative lines we must draw to make effective drama and comedy. The creative work we accomplish is closely linked to the actual emotions, feelings, and habits of daily life; they sit side by side. The more this idea is practiced the more naturally we create staged work, whether simple or epic, with ease and believability. Bottom line, theater and opera are not worlds away from everyday life or interaction. It's our job to connect the dots.

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