January 1, 2013

Happy New Year: 2013

We have arrived! Time to close the door on events of the passing year and open another, inviting new hope and promises for the year ahead. It is the time of year when we resolve to make better choices, cast away habit, and create new goals. It is the time of year for a fresh start and another chance.

But what is so special about this time of year?  It is a routine we know and know well. So, what guiding force rouses the spirit, offers hope, and suggests that what we want, what we believe...we can have. What proof conveys a promising tomorrow?

It is our individual potential, the most resonate trumpet in our mind and the beautiful creature untamed, alive, and abiding in our heart. 

At each new year we look ahead aroused by potential; it suggests just how much better, stronger, happier, or healthier we can be. Potential is without limit and reminds us exactly where we have tread and wonderfully reveals how much farther we can go.

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